Prof. Rainer Lindner: “We want to pass the permanent stress test” Prof. Dr. Rainer Lindner is Chairman of the Management Board of Heine + Beisswenger Stiftung + Co KG. He considers the flexibility and customer proximity of a family-run company to be the best basis for...
Aguascalientes Driving Mexico from within Aguascalientes is Mexico’s driving force, its engine. Strategically located in Central Mexico, the most important economic area for industry and services, Aguascalientes stands out as the most competitive State having the...
Nuevo León: Leader of Industry 4.0 in Mexico The state showcases its unique ecosystem for innovation Nuevo León presents itself as Mexico’s leading industrial and 4.0- player at the Hannover Messe 2018. The State in the Northwest of Mexico is growing continuously and...
Querétaro is the way An inviting business environment of tradition, culture, vitality and growth Santiago de Querétaro is a mixture of modernism and colonialism. It is the 3rd highest growing economy in Mexico. Throughout its 18 municipalities, Querétaro has an...
Incorporating Mexico into global value chains Jose Rogelio Garza Garza, Ministry of Economy’s Undersecretary of Industry and Commerce, on Mexico’s economic and industrial perspectives “A modernized agreement would take Mexico’s economic relations with Germany...
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