HANNOVER MESSE 2024: “Opportunities of international dialogue”
Hall 4: The Trade & Investment area discusses challenges in international markets.
In the “International Trade & Investment” area of HANNOVER MESSE in Hall 4, locations from all over the world present current trade and investment opportunities. The trade fair forum will discuss strategies for market entry, business location promotion and international cooperation.
The world is currently facing many challenges
“The world is currently facing many challenges, including supply chain disruptions, climate change, economic standstill and a shortage of skilled labour. But it is precisely at this time that companies should seize the opportunities for international dialogue, cooperation and investment,” says Basilios Triantafillos, Global Director Trade Fair and Product Management at HANNOVER MESSE. “Every year, thousands of visitors come to our ‘International Trade & Investment’ platform to find out about the latest topics and developments in global trade.”
Despite the challenges, foreign trade remains an important pillar of the German economy
“Despite the challenges, foreign trade remains an important pillar of the German economy. According to the latest DIHK economic survey, the export industry is developing slightly better despite the overall gloomy mood. However, the DIHK surveys also show that increased energy prices, the high tax and duty burden as well as bureaucratic obligations to provide evidence are weighing on German companies’ foreign business,” says Melanie Vogelbach, Head of International Economic Policy and Foreign Trade Law at the DIHK. “The stand of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHKs) therefore offers first-hand advice. Visitors will find practical support to help them discover new business opportunities abroad.”
Trade & Invest Stage
The daily programme of the Trade & Invest Stage in Hall 4 includes keynote speeches, panel discussions and presentations on topics such as digitalisation, diversification, mergers and acquisitions and trade policy. On the Tuesday of the trade fair, for example, the session “Partnerships with the Global South” will scrutinise the potential of emerging markets. On the same day, another session will deal with the 2024 European elections, while the stage programme on the Thursday of the trade fair will take a look at the regions of Southeast Asia and MENA. Malaysia, for example, is organising the session “Boundless Opportunities for High-Tech, Digital Economy, Blockchain & H2”. Companies, institutions and authorities will present various opportunities for trading partners and investors in Malaysia.
The stage programme: https://www.hannovermesse.de/veranstaltung/trade-invest-stage/for/106943/
Further events:
22.04.2024: Brazil – Germany Forum “Updating bilateral Partnership”, 13:00 – 14:30, Convention Center
After its highly acclaimed return to HANNOVER MESSE 2023, Brazil will be present again this year. With one of the largest delegations, the business association CNI is committed to providing an update on German-Brazilian economic relations. Here is the program of the conference, which will take place on 22.04.2024 from 13.00 to 14.30 in the Convention Center.
23.04. 2024: Technology Conference Ukraine 10:30 – 14:30, Technology Academy, Pavilion 36
The conference will discuss how digital technologies can help Ukraine to economically withstand the consequences of the Russian war of aggression. The Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (IFF) initiated the event as part of a Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) project on the “Digital Transformation of SMEs in the Eastern Partnership Countries (DT4SME)”. The Deutsche Messe Technology Academy is co-organizer of the conference. Here is the link to the information and registration.
Agence Marocaine – AMDIE Morocco (Morocco) AHP International (Germany),
AMSDE – Asociación Mexicana de Secretarios de Desarrollo Económico (Mexico),
CIIPA – China International Investment Promotion Agency (Germany)
Confederação Nacional da Indústria (Brazil)
DEinternational (Egypt)
DIHK – German Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia
Transatlantic Business & Investment Council (North America).